Monday, January 7, 2008

Huck Finn

Read Chapters 1-8

Summarize the plot so far.

Create a Chart of characters and fill in the following:

  1. what does s/he want most out of life?
  2. what strategies does s/he use to get what s/he wants?
  3. who has power in this community, who doesn't?
  4. who has wealth, who doesn't?
  5. who has repsect, who doesn't?
  6. who has a skill, who doesn't?
  7. who has is well educated, who isn't
  8. who is well liked by people, who isn't?
  9. who is happy, who isn't?
  10. who is the most noble person, who isn't?

Decribe the decisions that Huck makes during this section of the book?

  1. what was the problem
  2. what was the solution
  3. what was the result

Describe a decision you made in your life:

  1. what was the problem
  2. what was the solution
  3. what was the result

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